Please find below correspondence from MiClub relating to an upgrade to the MiScore app.
New MiScore App Version v1.2.2
From 7th March 2023, MiScore App devices will be required to install a MiScore App Version Upgrade through Apple App or Google Play stores. The version upgrade adds new functionality available from April 2023.
**NOTE** iPhone 6 owners have reported problems after installing the app update. This is due to the model not being able to update from iOS 12 which is now outdated.
If any other iPhone model users are reporting issues with opening the app after the update, please ask that they check that they are running iOS13 or higher on their device. **
Why can’t I continue to use the old version?
In order to release new functionality which clubs are requesting, we require all users to be on the newer version therefore we will need to enforce that the app runs on only the new version from April 2023.
Get MiScore App device ready for the Upgrade before next week
Ensure automatic app updates are enabled
Check App or Play store to see if an update is waiting
Open up MiScore the night prior to your next game of golf and receive any updates
Most devices are set to automatically apply app version upgrades through device settings. This version upgrade may then affect only a small number of users that have disabled auto-app updates.
The check and install of MiScore App updates then run when first opened daily are for minor updates.
MiScore App Version Upgrade will be released progressively over seven days so all users will be not be forced to new version at the same time.
Scheduled for mid April 2023; a Forced Update will be issued to ensure all devices and users run on the same MiScore App Version.
To check and force the MiScore App Version Upgrade:
From your device select App or Google Play store icon
Select search option and type in MiScore App
Select Update to receive press on the ‘Update’ button. Some users will get an Update message within the MiScore App and be diverted to the App store.
Where possible MiScore App Version upgrade should be done at home or work connected to WiFi (some users have download updates over mobile network disabled)
Once app version upgrade has downloaded and installed select ‘OPEN’
If required log back into MiScore App profile. Remember MiScore App profile will differ to the login details for the club member login. Please use the login process when first creating the MiScore App profile eg Facebook, Google, Apple or email.
Please don’t create a new profile should you forget the login method, please contact support for assistance. For email sign-up there is a forgotten password option should the password being entered not allow login.
Note: Some users may not be able to access MiScore App after the Version Upgrade. Typically the apple or android device being used is no longer be supported due to security and functionality requirements from Apple and Google.
Please select link below to review minimum device specifications.
For further information or help please press on this link (FAQ)
Why is an update to MiScore App required?
MiScore App is introducing new functions and processes including:
MiScore App Notifications – Clubs can directly communicate with users whilst on-course scoring, booked or competition registered. Great for weather warnings, slow player messages and event notices.
Score Comparison – End of round score check prior to score submission to ensure scores on both players match
Apple Watch – Improvements to link with phone
Other updates for future releases
Can the update be bypassed?
No, MiScore App will eventually force all users to update to the version upgrade
How to enable automatic app updates to ensure MiScore App version is always up-to-date?
Apple devices – Click here for Automatic App Updates iPhone
Android devices – Click here for Automatic App Updates Android
Why won’t MiScore App update?
Not logged into App or Play stores
Please ensure device is signed into App or Play Store for version upgrade to install. Find and select the App or Play Store app on your device and use a Apple or Google account profile to sign in. MiClub support generally cannot assist the login process for the store.
Not on current operating version
Please ensure device has most current iOs or Android version. Go to device Settings App and check there are no pending device
Device says cannot install version upgrade
MiScore App requires Android version 8 or Apple iOs version 13, please update operating system to current version. If not able to upgrade device operating system beyond these then MiScore App likely is not operational. Typically devices that cannot update to these operating systems are more than seven years old.
Is there assistance available?
Yes, MiClub Support team can assist via email support@miclub.com.au or via Ph: 08 9444 5300